Wesley at CMU is an open, authentic community committed to transformation in Christ’s way of loving justice. Our hope is for all students to know themselves as God’s beloved and to love God, neighbor, and creation in turn.

As an open community, we welcome and love people of all gender identities and expressions, sexualities, ethnicities, races, spiritualities, and physical or mental disabilities. We’re a Jesus people. We work to offer radical hospitality to all and we believe each person to be beloved by God, just as they are.

As an authentic community, we value questions, affirm doubts, struggles, and pain, and rejoice with one another in our joys. We want you to be your whole, beloved self here at Wesley.

As a community, we center care for our neighbors in all we do. We fight for justice, practice mercy, and actively love the whole community of creation. We believe love to be a verb and central to our Christian identity.

Leadership Team


Audra Hudson, Pastor and Director

she/her/hers | director@cmuwes.org

Audra is a Michigander from the Anishinaabe and Peoria land called Livingston County. She comes to Wesley at CMU from immigrant justice organizing with the United Methodist General Board of Global Ministries and ecological regeneration efforts at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, where she completed her Master of Arts in Public Ministry.

Audra is a dedicated facilitator, spiritual practitioner, gardener, and cook. She is committed to inviting students into deeper connection with God, community, and creation and supporting their contributions to the divine work of justice and healing.

Marie Boyd, Music

she/her hers

Marie is from Livonia, MI and is a senior at Central Michigan University. She is studying Vocal Music Education under the directions of Dr. Amanda Pabyan and Dr. Charles Eady. In the School of Music, Marie has held the positions of President and Public Relations Representative in the CMU Student Chapter of the American Choral Directors Association. She is also the chair of multiple committees in the organization. Marie has been a member of the CMU Wesley Praise Band for three semesters, and loves making music in worship with the community. She loves the open and accepting space that Wesley offers students and the community that is fostered here! In her free time, Marie enjoys playing guitar and piano, being in constant worship, forgetting to water her plants, and hammocking.

Jacob Brower, Facilities


Jacob is from Grand Rapids, Michigan. He is a secondary education major at CMU who is also a member of the CMU Marching Band, the CMU swing dancing club, and the Army National Guard, among other organizations. In his free time, Jacob loves reading, going for long walks, and anything to do with Star Wars. He also collects ties and watches. At Wesley@CMU, Jacob is committed to helping out however and wherever he can. He is passionate about prayer and continuing to build the open and authentic community at Wesley@CMU.

Hannah Burgess, Movies and Events


Hannah is from Flint, Michigan, majoring in meteorology with a double minor in computer science and mathematics. She came to Wesley@CMU because she wanted to continue to go to church while at college. Hannah plays in unified sports with Special Olympics and is in the CMU marching band, where she plays the french horn. She likes writing poetry, watching movies, watching sports, playing video games, and drawing. She writes: “I’m just a nerd.”

Lauren Canary, Media and Events


Lauren is a junior this year studying religion and nonprofit administration with a minor in leadership. Lauren is also a Leader Advancement Scholar (LAS) and some hobbies of hers include hammocking, rock climbing and drinking coffee. When she is not in Mt. Pleasant, she calls Livonia, Michigan home. She is passionate about interfaith activities, social justice and excited to be working for Wesley again!

Board of Directors

Rev. Scott Marsh: Board Chair

Rev. Curtis Jensen: Finance Chair

Hannah Burgess: Student Board Member

Lauren Canary: Student Board Member

Linda Darrow: Board Member, Wesley at CMU Alum

Sean Griffin: Board Member, Wesley at CMU Alum

Analisa Guido: Board Member, Wesley at CMU Alum

Carol Paquette: Board Member

Gerry Sutterfield: Board Member

Our history

Wesley at CMU is rooted in the Methodist tradition and is supported as an extension ministry of the United Methodist Church. Wesley was founded in 1927 by Methodist laywoman Hannah Vowels and has enjoyed nearly a century of community with Central Michigan University students.

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